Question: 1 / 50

What psychosocial finding in a 7-year-old child warrants further evaluation by a nurse?

The child enjoys spending time alone.

The child is competitive when playing board games.

The child prefers playmates of the same sex.

The child complains daily about going to school.

A daily complaint about going to school in a 7-year-old child is a psychosocial finding that merits further evaluation. This behavior could indicate underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, social challenges, or difficulties related to bullying or academic pressure. It is important for the nurse to assess whether this pattern is consistent and if any additional symptoms are present that could suggest a deeper emotional or psychological concern. In contrast, enjoying time alone, being competitive in games, or preferring same-sex playmates are generally considered normal behaviors for children in this age group. Each of these behaviors can reflect typical developmental stages, social preferences, or personality traits that children may exhibit as they grow. Therefore, while they may warrant observation, they do not typically indicate the need for further evaluation in the same way that daily school-related complaints would.


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